Road Córdoba - Toledo (a lot of years ago)

Something about arabic engineering roads in the Spanish Muslim 

Really, all the world (at least in Spain)  knows that Islamic Technological innovations have played an important role in the legacy of Al-Andalus, in Spain. 

Arabs adapted, developed and transmited cultural achievements of other Oriental peoples, mainly Chinese, but certainly not without its undoubted merit. In addition, many inventions were remarkably improved and, through them, the West had access to the benefit of its use at that time. 

I begin to talk in this blog about engineering .... another passion.

Usually, the Roman roads had been drawn along an east-west, parallel to the major rivers, Tagus, Guadiana and Guadalquivir, while both Muslims and Christians ways seek preferably the north-south direction.

During the Caliphate age, specifically during the reign of Abderrahman III, opened a direct route between Córdoba and Toledo. Later, this road was partly abandoned and replaced by the road described by Idrissi, this new road from Cordoba was going to Benalcazar, and thence to Caracuel, Malagon, Guadalerzas, Orgaz and Toledo. Some historians refer to this road with the name "De Omeya".

This almohad route was subsequently changed to Royal road from Cordoba to Toledo, which partly coincide with the road from Granada to Toledo. As described by John Villuga in 1546, the road ran, from Toledo, Venta Diezma, Orgaz, Yébenes, Guadalerzas, Arozutan Sale, Venta la Zarzuela, Malagon and Almagro. 

Today the Cordoba Arabic road, with bridges and towers, is remarkably well.

Los caminos árabes tienen unas bonitas refrencias en esta página que ha servido de inspiración y de la cual he traducido un poco libremente parte de tan interesante entrada.

Sierra de Córdoba: atractiva guia para disfrutar de la sierra de Córdoba y sus caminos árabes.

Caminos árabes por Murcia: es Murcia  poblada por árabes, que potenciaron la ciudad, la huerta y direon pie a la creación de numerosos caminos que uniero la ciudad y numerosos pueblos.

Rutas por Cádiz: existe la posibilidad de realizar actividades dentro de la provincia de Cádiz para poder disrfutar de los parques naturales de la provincia discurriendo por caminos árabes.

Senderos en Badajoz: también en Extremadura podemos disfrutar de senderos por caminos árabes que nos van permitir de disfrutar de un entorno incomparable.

Sources: Orgaz y los caminos árabes,

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